
Friday, September 29, 2006

The Map Makers

I just checked out this article about map makers. It was pretty interesting. I had never really considered the idea that the maps and directions found on mapquest and other sites like that are actually checked out and made by people. It kind of sounds like an interesting job. It is pretty amazing how they can use technology to do their work rather than having to actually go out and drive around every street in America...wow.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Hilarious Podcast!

This is one crazy ninja!! He answers questions, and the topic of this interview is his favorite way to kill a person. Strange but interesting.


A few articles, an editorial on Monday, and a story on Tuesday discussed what is now the controversy about the selecting of the new SDSU president. Since the University is publicly funded, the public should at least be informed about what is happening. As stated in Tuesday's article, it is the job of a reporter to represent the people who cannot make it to the daytime meeting. The decision made by the SDSU Board of Regents to close the meeting makes this impossible.

Half Impresive, Half Creepy...

This article is about robots. It is kind of like the begining of all those crazy robot movies where humans create them and then they freak out and kill everyone. It is pretty interesting however that technology has advanced far enough for robotics people to create such advanced designs.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Waste of Time or Valuable Research?

Traveling to Mars would be quite the accomplishment, that is exactly what the FMARS people are trying to do. They will have a team of scientists live in the arctic for a few months living in what amounts to a giant metal can. The expiriment sounds like it would be very interesting and the researchers say they are learning a lot, but really, how practical is it to compare an enviornment here on Earth to one on a planet we have never even seen up close? Check out the story and decide for yourself.

Just because she wears a veil, doesn't mean she's a terrorist

I found this article, and it makes me really sad. The 9/11 attacks happened because of a select group of extremists, but that doesn't mean that every muslim is a terrorist, or that every woman who chooses to wear a veil as part of her religion is a threat.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Extreme ironing trailer

The best sport in the world!